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Charlotte Leitch is in the first year of the MS in Library Science in the School of Information and Library Science. She is also a staff member in the UNC Writing and Learning Center.

1. What made you decide to pursue a graduate degree?

I have always loved learning and loved being in school. After graduating with my Bachelor’s in 2015 I missed the educational environment. After giving it a couple of years of thought, I decided to return to school to pursue a graduate degree in a field that I truly felt passionate about.

2. What’s the thing you love most about Chapel Hill?

I love the positive and welcoming atmosphere of campus. I feel supported in my decisions by coworkers, peers, and faculty, and I feel like everyone I interact with genuinely wants the best for all students on campus. That close, cozy feeling is hard to replicate and makes the transition much easier.

  1. If you had any advice for someone thinking about pursuing a graduate degree, what would it be?

If it’s something you’re passionate about, or something you’ve always dreamed of, just do it. Just apply for that program; don’t let your self-doubt hold you back. You never know where it might lead, and I can guarantee you’ll only regret it if you don’t try.

  1. What is your dream career after you’ve completed your studies?

After I obtain my degree, I would love to work in preservation or curation, whether that be in a museum, an archive, or at a university. I’m pretty open to anything.

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